Company F Memorial Sculpture

Full size clay soldier - close upJanuary 2018

Full size clay soldier - close up

January 2018

Company F Memorial Bronze

A group of Medina, New York Veterans, their family members and representatives from the Medina Sandstone Society embarked on a project to provide a permanent tribute to the 550 soldiers from Orleans County and the surrounding area who joined Company F. These men enlisted and trained at the Medina Armory for conflicts from 1898 to 1945 including the Spanish-American War, Mexican-American, World War I and World War II, as well as Company C from 1947-77. The intention is to build an historically accurate pre-WWII soldier statue to be mounted on top of the existing Company F monument at the Medina Armory, currently the YMCA. The life-sized statue will provide a meaningful depiction of those deployed men whose names are engraved on the monument plaques. Brian Porter was the sculptor selected for this honor.

The sculpture was completed and installed on site in April 2019. For more information and background please visit: